I’m looking for ways to consume and share without adding to the commotion of the news and airwaves these days. By accident (kind of) I’m not scrolling like I did a week ago, and I’ve been seeking the best way to stay in contact and to receive content I get value from. It’s brought to question, what “value” actually means for me. I guess that’s for each of us to decide.
As I’m detoxing from the constant onslaught of bitesize information on instagram, I’m noticing more subtlety around me. The air feels quieter. Details are standing out. I feel less rush.
I took a few minutes to watch a handful of stories on instagram, via my computer. I love how intentionally meta has made it annoying AF to use instagram on your computer. It doesn’t make me want to be there long.
In that time today, I saw a post that read
“My main goal in life is genuinely just to have a good day. Five year plan? Have a good day. Why I’m doing what I’m doing? Because I want to have a good day. It is all about having a good day. Nothing is as precious as the present moment. Neither the past nor the future. Therefore I will make sure to spend it having a good day.” - stuckinapril
For what I’m feeling today, that felt like a warm hug. Let’s all just try to have a good day.
With love.